Robotics models using lego wedo 2.0
Robotics models using lego wedo 2.0

robotics models using lego wedo 2.0

Water erosion is a natural process by which water changes the shape of the land. The answer to this question will guide students to the design process. Imagine a device that can prevent flooding from happening.There are many ways humans prevent flooding: dikes, dams, trenches, reforestation, etc. Low precipitation lowers the water level.High precipitation raises the water level.

robotics models using lego wedo 2.0

Precipitation is not the only factor influencing the water level of rivers, but generally:

  • How does precipitation influence water levels in a river?.
  • The bar should show high, low, or medium precipitation. Use descriptive words such as high rain season, low rain season, and flooding. The answer to this question will vary according to your location.
  • Describe precipitation levels for each season in your area using a bar graph.
  • Closing the floodgates completely will stop the water from draining away and would create a flood upstream-or fill your bathtub.
  • Opening the doors will allow more water from upstream to go down or from the faucet to the bathtub and then to the drain.
  • You can compare the idea of floodgates to filling a bathtub:
  • In times of high precipitation, the floodgates are closed to fill the reservoir with the extra water.
  • When there is regular precipitation, the floodgates are open to keep the reservoir level low.
  • Floodgates are devices that let water flow downstream in canals or rivers.
  • Erosion is a natural phenomenon that happens often in areas that get a lot of precipitation.
  • Sometimes, there is so much water that rivers and streams cannot hold it all.
  • Weather brings various types of precipitation during the year.
  • Over centuries, humans have created devices to prevent water from flooding populated areas: The introductory video may set the stage for the following ideas to be reviewed and discussed with students for this project.

    Robotics models using lego wedo 2.0